Sunday, January 29, 2012

Time is flying!

I can't believe it's been over a week since my last post.  I was waiting for a good pic or a really good story to write about, but life just went on without anything particularly remarkable. Luckily, I'm an expert note-taker (I also make mean lists!) so I have all my workouts documented!

Friday 19th: 1 hr bike ride on the trainer. I watched the DVD that came with the trainer "Spinervals: The Original Indoor Cycling Workout Series" (their bolding, not mine). I got a good workout, but the host was incredibly annoying and the gist of the workout was all building up to a 20 min time-trial. 20 minutes is a long time to go all out, especially when you're in a 300 sq ft room with nothing to look at it and shitty background music with this annoying guy continuing to say annoying things. So I probably won't be doing this DVD many times, but I'm glad I at least tried it.
Saturday: My first brick workout of the season!! It was short, but it felt really good! 50 minutes on the bike trainer, followed immediately by a 22 minute run. For this bike ride I watched 2 episodes of Modern Family on and made myself sprint in a high gear during the 1 min commercial breaks. It was harder than it sounds. The run was about 30 seconds/mile faster than I usually run, so I'll have to work on my pacing. Going out too hard is definitely not a good idea on race day! 
Sunday: You might remember that I was bitching about the rainy weather that weekend. Saturday I got lucky and there was no rain during the run part of my brick. However, Sunday I waited and waited and waited and finally it seemed like it was only sprinkling so I put on my shoes and headed outside. I got about 3/4 of a mile away and the the wind picked up and the rain picked up and it was horrible. So I sprinted home. Then it was time to shower so I could go drink bloody marys and watch football with friends so I didn't get to attempt another workout. Oh well, at least I have my priorities straight. 
Monday: Since my Sun workout was almost non-existent, I guilted myself into 2 workouts on Monday. A 25 minute bike ride in the morning (only 1 episode of Modern Family) and a 40 minute swim at lunch. After 3 days in a row on the bike I decided that I need new bike shorts with more padding. 
Tuesday: Speed session on the dreaded treadmill (aka: dreadmill). The weather forced me inside, but I got a killer workout anyway. 
Wednesday: REST!!!! 
Thursday: 35 minute swim
Friday: 12 min run to the gym/ 12 min on the rower/ 20 min weights (done in a circuit to keep my heart-rate up)/ 12 min run home. I haven't been lifting weights at all recently so yesterday and today I've been really sore, which is actually a nice feeling that I've missed. I need to make sure to make it to the gym to lift at least once a week from now until April when tri-training gets more focused and time-intensive. 
Yesterday: I planned a good brick workout, but that didn't happen. I had to wake up early to go to lab before proctoring an SAT and when I finally got home at 2:00 I was exhausted!!! So I walked pretty quickly for about an hour, running all my errands, and then crashed on the couch. 
Today: Planning a 6 mile run with Kelsey in the next few hours. I'm really looking forward to it because it's rare that I have a running partner and we're doing the Bay Trail so it's pretty scenery and really flat! 

Wow, I even got bored writing all that, so if you've read all the way to the bottom, Thanks!! Here is a cute picture of Barton as your reward. 
This is generally what he looks like to me while I'm stretching on the floor after a workout.  I call that his 'slightly interested, but not really amused' face.

Leave me a comment and let me know how your week has been!!


  1. Thanks for the reward picture, I really did read the whole way through! My week was ok, but no nearly as productive exercise-wise as yours. I'm pretty used to that though. Say hey to Bart-man for me!

  2. Haha that's such a cute pic! I worked out 5 times again this week and still didn't lose any weight (gained some actually). A bit frustrating with only 3 meals all week off of the diet plan and nothing crazy bad but really enjoyed a weekend off on the beach anyway =)
